„Rollercoaster” is a training-engeenerial game in which the team divided into smaller groups work in order to achieve one common goal. The challenge they face is to build a complex and spectacular construction. In the meantime, in creative atmosphere, the teams develop resources, time and roles management skills.


  • Group size: 20 – 200
  • Form: indoor/outdoor
  • Duration: 1,5 – 2,5  hours

Benefits for the team:

  • Strengthening communication, project management and cooperation
  • Creative energy booster
  • Building sense of community

A rollercoaster is a construction that provides adventure, fun and great memories. Same does our project known under this name.

In our “Rollercoaster” the group is challenged by a mysterious client – he asks them to build a prototype of a rollercoaster that will be both beautiful and functional. After dividing the space every team concentrates on creating their small part of the whole construction. The success depends on smooth cooperation and wise resources management. All skills will be needed – engineerial, manual, aesthetic and planning – in order to fulfil the task and satisfy the client’s needs. Will the construction stand the final test in which a basketball is thrown onto it?
