
  • Number of participants: any
  • Form: online
  • Time: 2 h

Benefits for the team

  • introduction to the topic of emotions at work in a humorous form,
  • strengthening the skills of communication, creative problem solving as well as management and division of roles in the virtual distance,
  • space for conversation and exchange of experiences,
  • great fun and unforgettable memories!


Circus of Emotions is a unique online teambuilding game that embraces an extremely important topic in a light and accessible form.

Can emotions be an ally in the professional field? How to use them? How can they help us?

The Circus of Emotions tries to answer these questions using the history of the circus troupe. By solving the mystery of the disappearance of the illusionist, the participants meet the artists of the show, step by step revealing the backstage of the mysterious story, as well as another of the five basic emotions.

Each task ends with a discussion – participants have space for free conversation and exchange of experiences.

The whole thing is kept in a humorous setting – the game can be an introduction to the workshop on the emotional resources of the team, included in the sales offer of Develor PL / Fun Hunters.